SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : The distribution of documentary works: workers’ thoughts and perspectives
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 The distribution of documentary works: workers’ thoughts and perspectives

The distribution of documentary works: workers’ thoughts and perspectives

Thursday 24.08, 15:00, Salle L’Imaginaïre

The question of the distribution of documentary film is regularly taken up in panels and other professional discussions. It is a sector whose economic model was further fragilized by the Covid-19 crisis, is constantly challenged: drops in theatrical attendance, complementarity or competition between different distribution channels, mediation, erratic subsidies… In general, attention is focused on the tools, means, and mechanisms aimed at facilitating and accompanying the screening of films.
Nonetheless, a whole slice of activities that participate in film distribution remains invisible and is never confronted.
What can we say about the working conditions and the wage scales applied to the staff working for festivals and who thread one short term contract onto another; the staff working at platforms or screening associations subject to the economic pressure of their structures: or again about the filmmakers, reviewers, theoreticians who accompany the films in projections, often free of charge?
This period of dialogue and work is aimed at discussing this vast invisible area of documentary distribution. Bringing together various actors and actresses representing the various crafts of the profession, the discussion’s goal is to go beyond a simple description of the situation. We hope – without obliterating the divergences that are implicit – to work toward a convergence of ideas and proposals contributing to the durability of the field which cannot be achieved by imposing unacceptable economic and living conditions on those who work in the activity.