SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : Films d’ateliers – L’École documentaire
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Films d’ateliers – L’École documentaire

Films d’ateliers – L’École documentaire

Saturday 26.08, 14:30 - 17:30, L’Imaginaïre

For several years now, the École documentaire has been setting up documentary filmmaking workshops for different audiences and structures, sometimes involving fiction, and above all experimentation. These are all cinematic forms that allow people to express themselves through the medium of film. A space for individual freedom that can exist through the collective. Learning about cinema in these workshops is a constant reminder of the need to be shared and transmitted.

> Eux, Nous et la Vallée

Wild children play in the river, an entomologist observes up close and takes us on a journey through time, a climber gives us vertigo between sky and earth, a botanist reveals the secrets of the life of a plant and its dependence on others, tourists return every year... How do we make all these worlds live together?

30', directed by twenty-five seventh-graders from the Henri Ageron secondary school in Vallon Pont d'Arc, edited by Agathe Bédard and Esther Mazowiecki.
Produced by Ardèche images, in partnership with the SGGA (Syndicat de Gestion des Gorges de l'Ardèche).

> Découverte d’une vallée : entre terre et eau

The Ibie rises near Villeneuve de Berg and flows into the Ardèche at Vallon Pont d'arc, passing through the Trou de la Lune. If you took the time to observe, listen to and touch this river, you'd discover the life it hides. What if we followed the river's course to meet the men and women who shape our landscape and look after it through their farming practices.

26', directed by thirteen “eco-motivated” ninth and seventh-graders at Laboissière secondary school in Villeneuve de Berg, edited by Agathe Bédard and Esther Mazowiecki.
Produced by Ardèche images, in partnership with the SGGA (Syndicat de Gestion des Gorges de l'Ardèche).

> L’une pour l’autre

Five pairs of women take to the camera to make visible what lies behind care relationships. At EHPAD as well as at home, they give us access to what is joyful, tender and powerful in their daily bond.

55', made by carers and cared-for people at the EHPAD Sainte Marie and the Bourg-Saint-Andéol family association, with Manon Garcia and Alma Barbier as camera, sound and editing assistants.
Produced by Ardèche images and the Communauté de Communes DRAGA.

17:45 - 19:00, L’Imaginaïre

> Portraits d’artisanat

A group of secondary school students set off to meet the men and women who work with and transform materials such as wood, glass and metal. By filming the gestures, tools and singularities of each material, the filmmakers seek out the intimate aspects of these practices. In the background are the questions young people are asking about their future.

52', directed and edited by the 1ere STD2A class from the Lycée Astier in Aubenas, accompanied by Alice Nouvel and Alma Barbier.
Produced by Ardèche images, Rectorat de Grenoble and Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.