SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - A Sunday in Hell
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Fragment of a filmmaker's work: Jørgen Leth A Sunday in Hell

A Sunday in Hell ( En forärsdag i helvede )
Jørgen Leth
1976 - Danemark - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 111'

Jørgen Leth’s personal film about the Paris-Roubaix race is one of the most powerful portrayals of cycling ever made. The race is considered the toughest in cycling and is feared by cyclists for its combination of bumpy cobblestone pavements and the fickle spring weather of northern France. The film gives the race its own heroes and villains, described with Leth’s unique mix of objectivity and myth-making. A Sunday in Hell is just that: a film about a Sunday with its own dramatic, harsh poetry – from the early-morning preparations by the teams’ mechanics to the filthy racers showering after the final stretch in Roubaix.

Photography : Dan Holmberg
Sound : Ole Ørsted
Editing : Lars Brydesen
Production : Steen Herdel Film
Distribution : Danish Film Institute (thomasc@dfi.dk, +45 33 74 35 76)