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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2020 Reruns Common Birds

Common Birds
Silvia Maglioni, Graeme Thomson
2019 - France/Grèce - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 84'

No longer willing to pay for the debt, two Athenians decide to leave their city. Guided by mysterious crow calls, they reach a zone of passage from where they are spirited to an ancient forest: the realm of the birds. There they meet the Hoopoe, half-bird half-woman, who becomes their translator. The birds live by sharing their resources amid the magical forces of the forest. The encounter between humans, birds and forest will be illuminating for all.

In partnership with the Cnap.

Online on Tënk: 21.08, 14:30 > 18.10, 00:00

Photography : Thomas Favel, Graeme Thomson, Panagiotis Vasilakis
Sound : Yannis Karamitros, Mathieu Villien, Silvia Maglioni
Editing : Silvia Maglioni, Laurence Larre, Graeme Thomson
Music : Graeme Thomson
Production : Les Films du Bilboquet, Arctos Films, Poteau d’angle