SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Det store bælt (Le Grand Belt)
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Doc History: Denmark Det store bælt (Le Grand Belt)

Det store bælt (Le Grand Belt)
Claus Ørsted, Lars Brydesen
1968 - Danemark - Couleur - 9'

Nothing is more ordinary for a Dane that the ferries on the Grand Belt, carrying passengers but also cars and trains. Accompanied by music and natural sounds, the images play with lines, colours and movements underlying the beauty of these machines which cross the Grand Belt, sublimes and monumentals.

Photography : Claus Ørsted
Sound : Lars Brydesen, Claus Ørsted
Editing : Lars Brydesen
Production : ASA Film Studio
Distribution : Danish Film Institute (thomasc@dfi.dk, +45 33 74 35 76)