SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Le Jardin des Hespérides
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Rediffusions Le Jardin des Hespérides

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Le Jardin des Hespérides
Elliott Mattiussi
2023 - France - Couleur - 90'

For more than forty years, Robert has been fighting body and soul to have a painting he attributes to Nicolas Poussin recognized. In the darkness of his office, surrounded by his scrupulously recorded archives, he relates his quest. The painting hosts the stories of the man who tries to discover all its secrets and is gradually transformed into a real thinking and dreaming machine.

Photography : Aloïse Goupil-Tiers, Elliott Mattiussi
Sound : Aloïse Goupil-Tiers, Elliott Mattiussi
Editing : Saskia Berthod
Production : La Société des Apaches