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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Outdoor screenings Pierre, feuille, pistolet

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Pierre, feuille, pistolet
Maciek Hamela
2023 - Pologne, France - Couleur - 85'

A Polish vehicle traverses the roads of Ukraine. On board, people are evacuated following the Russian invasion. This van becomes a fragile and transitory refuge, a zone of confidences and confessions of exiles who have only one objective, to escape the war.

Photography : Yura Dunay, Wawrzyniec Skoczylas, Marcin Sierakowski, Piotr Grawender
Sound : Marcin Lenaczyk
Editing : Piotr Ogiński, Tatyana Chistova
Production : Affinity cine, Impakt film, SaNoSi productions, 435 Films
Distribution : New Story (contact@new-story.eu)