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Environnement > Faune

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

417 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À fleur d'eau
Anne Lapied, Érik Lapied | France | 2001 | 30 mn

The areas where water grasses and reeds grow are the lake’s lungs and a nursery for many species : insects, fish, birds. After several decades of damage to the aquatic vegetation, man is concerned about this exceptionally rich natural heritage,...

À l'ombre des éléphants
Erika Thomas, Bernard Thomas | France | 2022 | 30 mn

Un voyage en Afrique et une lettre à Romain Gary, auteur des Racines du Ciel, premier roman écologique, passionné par la sauvegarde des éléphants. Plus de quarante ans après la lecture de l'ouvrage, des mots se délient.

À la découverte de la plaine orientale
Jean-Michel Martinetti | France | 2013 | 52 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À la poursuite du cœlacanthe
Sophie Bontemps | France | 1994 | 52 mn

It is blue, steel-blue. It is the only living fish whose species has not evolved for the last 350 million years. It is called a cœlacanth. People believed it had disappeared 70 million years ago. They thought it had been overcome by the same...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À la redécouverte du monde 1
Jacques-Yves Cousteau | France | 1985 | 48 mn

Since 1985, the revolutionary turbosail windship "Alcyone" has joined the Calypso on a series of expeditions lasting until 1992. 7 years to look anew at the planet, to seek to understand relationship between human populations and the aquatic...

A Lei
Anne-Sophie Lepicard, Tim Leicester | France | 2010 | 10 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment A Y'a Bahr Ahkhi
Abderrahman Hanafi | Algérie | 2000 | 52 mn

Aatsinki : the Story of Artic Cowboys
Jessica Oreck | États-Unis, Finlande | 2013 | 85 mn

L'Abeille, l'Hélix & l'Agonie
Jean-Alain Kerdraon | France | 2017 | 11 mn

We look without seeing We listen without hearing We act without experiencing And what is dying around us escape us As we escape our own becoming. The Bee, the Helix and the Agony (Rescue Zone). Or fragment of life and death on a dock at the port...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Adaptación
Fernándo González I. Sitges, Geraldo Olivares | Espagne | 2000 | 52 mn

The arrival of fish marked the beginning of one of life's greatest adventures. Oceans and seas had been conquered by plants and animals but beyond this outside the sheltering sea the world of surface stretched out a different world full of...

417 films