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Catalogue des films par mot-clé

999 films
À Valparaiso
Joris Ivens | France, Chili | 1962 | 22 mn

In 1962 Joris Ivens was invited to Chile for teaching and filmmaking. Together with students he made ...À Valparaiso, one of his most poetic films. Contrasting the prestigious history of the seaport with the present the film sketches a portret of...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment A Y'a Bahr Ahkhi
Abderrahman Hanafi | Algérie | 2000 | 52 mn

L'Abeille, l'Hélix & l'Agonie
Jean-Alain Kerdraon | France | 2017 | 11 mn

We look without seeing We listen without hearing We act without experiencing And what is dying around us escape us As we escape our own becoming. The Bee, the Helix and the Agony (Rescue Zone). Or fragment of life and death on a dock at the port...

Les Abris du marin
Violaine Dejoie-Robin | France | 1999 | 26 mn

The work of Jacques de Thézac is part of the current of social catholicism which occured in the end of the last century. This adoptive Breton, rentier, fond of yachting, encounters the misery of sea people. His life undergoes a complete change,...

Alejandro Alonso Estrella | France, Cuba | 2021 | 30 mn

Raudel has been haunted since childhood by the sight of a strange light. Now, at the age of 27, he dedicates himself to scrapping ships in Bahia Honda, Cuba, a place where the line that separates the living from the dead is almost invisible.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Abysses
Éric Beauducel | France | 2001 | 52 mn

Les abysses fascinent depuis toujours : certains comme les cryptozoologues espèrent y trouver les derniers monstres marins, mais la réalité dépasse quelquefois la fiction. Lorsque les scientifiques ont découvert la faune des sources...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment ACH, histoire d'un conflit
Matthieu Serveau | France | 2000 | 96 mn

With the scheduled end to the Ateliers et chantiers du Havre (ACH), one of the last poles of French shipbuilding is shutting its doors. The film tells the story of this struggle from the point of view of the men and women who have been involved...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Adaptación
Fernándo González I. Sitges, Geraldo Olivares | Espagne | 2000 | 52 mn

The arrival of fish marked the beginning of one of life's greatest adventures. Oceans and seas had been conquered by plants and animals but beyond this outside the sheltering sea the world of surface stretched out a different world full of...

Against the Tide
Sarvnik Kaur | Inde, France | 2023 | 97 mn

Ganesh & Rakesh, deux amis pêcheurs autochtones, sont poussés au désespoir par une mer qui se meurt. Au rythme des catastrophes naturelles qui se succèdent, leurs vies familiales et leur amitié sont mises à rude épreuve.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Ailerons de la mort
Jean-Luc Guidoin, Dirk Steffens | France | 2008 | 52 mn

Graeme Duane and the Doctor Samuel Grubber have been rubbing shoulders with sharks and respect them for a long time. Along with them, the audience shares their sensation, apprehensions, sometimes, their fascination for these animals older than...

999 films