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Continents-Zones géogr. > Europe > Yougoslavie (Ex-) > Croatie

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

48 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Ordinary People
Angela Pope | France | 1993 | 50 mn

En août 1992, à Karlovac (Croatie), l'ONU a ouvert un camp de transit pour accueillir les réfugiés bosniaques, civils fuyant leurs villes et villages dévastés, prisonniers des camps de concentration serbes devant être transférés dans...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Paroles de réfugiés
Sandrine Morch, Éric Guéret | France | 1993 | 18 mn

Testimonies from Bosnian refugees who ran away from the hell of Banja-Luka/Paijedor area. An incredible established fact from innocent civilians and from the humanitarian organization "Médecins sans frontières" regarding the "ethnic purification".

Eduard Galic | Yougoslavie | 1966 | 14 mn

Que sont mes amis devenus ?
Philippe de Pierpont | France, Belgique | 1995 | 52 mn

Ivana Momcilovic's friends are all former Yugoslavians from Belgrad, Zagreb and Sarajevo who have refused to perform in a nationalist theater play put up by some of their political leaders. Some of these actors have stayed in their original...

Répétitions à Zagreb
. Esti | France | 1991 | 26 mn

Ivo Malek, a contemporary composer born in Zagreb in 1925, leaves to prepare for a convert, I follow through seven days of rehearsals. I needed 7 months for the pre-editing, in a dialogue with the person and his music, and with myself. It is not...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Retour
Philippe Verry | France | 1995 | 43 mn

The 29th of May 1995, 13 voluntaries of the organisation "Solidarité Femmes" left Alsace in France with a convoy to visit some refugees camps in Croatian for the 4th time. It represents the story of preparing and carrying out the voyage and the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Sarajevo, une lecture de la guerre
Jean-Michel Mariou | France | 1996 | 52 mn

War as protagonist had deserted Yugoslav litterature. With the return of hate and crime, Serb, Croat and Bosnian writers were hit hard. Writing became a front line activity. There are those who sacrified their talent in defence of nationalism,...

Sculpteur naval
Branko Istvancic | Croatie | 2015 | 29 mn

Stanislav Bavcevic (1954-2009) was a mechanical engineer, who worked at the Split shipyard in Croatia, as well as a “naval sculptor.” For years, he made statues out of shipbuilding leftovers. Using cold, crude steel, he came up with an...

The Steel Mill Café
Goran Devic | Croatie | 2017 | 61 mn

Tout était un beau rêve
Branko Istvancic | Croatie, France | 2016 | 80 mn

Le documentaire “Tout était un beau rêve” observe les événements du début de la guerre d'Indépendance en Croatie, l'arrivée du jeune Français Jean-Michel Nicolier en Croatie, son combat, le tragique de la défense de la ville de...

48 films