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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Voyage au lac To tomorrow

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To tomorrow
Emmanuelle Démoris
2023 - France, Italie - Couleur - 200'

First part of Voyage au lac July is the time for the meeting on the shores of the lake of Bolsena. With Maria Pace and the Devils, a group of masons who meet every evening in front of the castle to prepare the Mystery of Santa Cristina, whose celebration culminates in a Dyonisiac trance. With Franck, a Cameroonian student, and his travel companions who have just arrived from Africa and are now discovering this countryside north to Rome. In the feast or on the beach, the moments of joy in the summer become collective rituals that release minds and bodies into the same urge for freedom, which the old lake seems to provoke or welcome.

Photography : Emmanuelle Démoris
Sound : Emmanuelle Démoris, Judith Morrisseau, Franck Akoa
Editing : Emmanuelle Démoris, Felice D’Agostino, Julie Foraz
Production : Survivance, Okta Film, Les Films de la Villa