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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Doc history : Colombia Al mal tiempo buena cara, o La ópera del mondongo

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Al mal tiempo buena cara, o La ópera del mondongo
Luis Ernesto Arocha
1974 - Colombie - Couleur - 12'

“An experimental documentary about Barranquilla’s Carnival celebration, narrated by the well-known radio announcer Marco Pérez. Not only is the film a portrait of the festival, but it also serves as social commentary. It depicts the grandeur of the Carnival while, at the same time, the city’s inhabitants have no drinking water and lack proper health services. The film appears to praise the ability of barranquilleros to forget their troubles and come together in celebration but also condemns their inability to organize, protest and demand the infrastructure they lack. A classic of Colombian cinema, it won Best Short Film at the Cartagena Festival.” Mary Angelica Molina

Photography : Hernando González
Editing : Luis Ernesto Arocha
Production : Bolivariana Films