Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Voyage au lac So far

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So far
Emmanuelle Démoris
2023 - France, Italie - Couleur - 251'

Second part of Voyage au lac August. The journey to the land of the lake explores what makes it a territory, fixing the places of bodies and inhabited by the strata of its past. From its ancient borders, those of the papal or Farneses’lands, to those of today, administered in a reception centre or outsourced to Libya. Franck and Sulayman, Maria Pace and Moreno respond to each other, thus embodying the experience of a territory and telling of the powers that have shaped it. Their lucidity and their laughter in the face of the world’s violence are a resistant vitality in this little corner of land in old Europe.

Photography : Emmanuelle Démoris
Sound : Emmanuelle Démoris, Judith Morrisseau, Franck Akoa
Editing : Emmanuelle Démoris, Felice D’Agostino, Julie Foraz
Production : Survivance, Okta Film, Les Films de la Villa