SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Dreaming Walls
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Viewing experiences Dreaming Walls

Dreaming Walls
Amélie Van Elmbt, Maya Duverdier
2022 - Belgique/France/Pays-Bas/Suède/États-Unis - Couleur - 90'

Icone of the counter culture of the sixties, the Chelsea Hotel has for more than a century been a refuge and a legend for creative people. Closed for renovation for several years, it is being transformed into a luxury hotel while some fifty odd residents, often elderly, continue to live and create, smack in the middle of the construction work. While the capitalist machine is getting ready to devour the Chelsea, the film takes us to the heart of this mythical place to meet the last inhabitants who are facing, just like the hotel, a turning point in their history.

Photography : Joachim Philippe, Virginie Surdej
Sound : Patrick Southern, Matt Sutton, Deanna Williams, Taylor Roy
Editing : Alain Dessauvage, Julie Naas, Marie-Hélène Dozo
Production : Clin d'œil films, Les Films de l'œil sauvage