SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Hitch : An Iranian Story
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2019 La Scam Day Hitch : An Iranian Story

Hitch : An Iranian Story
Chowra Makaremi
2019 - France - Couleur - 78'

My mother, an opponent of the Islamic Republic of Iran, was arrested in 1981; I was seven months old. She was imprisoned and tortured, and disappeared during the 1988 massacre of political dissidents that claimed thousands. Discovering this history, which remains taboo in Iran, I wonder: how does an absence of physical bodies restrain our memories, in cases when politics touches upon the most intimate aspects of human life? And when personal experience is the only thing to bear witness to politics?

Photography : Georgi Lazarevski, Chowra Makaremi
Sound : Stephan Bauer, Olivier Vieillefond, Matthieu Farnarier
Editing : Nicolas Bancilhon, Charlotte Tourrès
Music : Fanny Menegoz
Production : Alter Ego Production