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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Séances spéciales Jeunesse (Le Printemps)

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Jeunesse (Le Printemps)
Wang Bing
2023 - France, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas - Couleur - 215'

Zhili, 150 kilometres from Shanghai. In this city dedicated to textile manufacturing, young people flock from all the rural regions crossed by the Yangtze River. They are twenty years old, sharing dormitories and eating in the corridors. They work tirelessly so that one day they can raise a child, buy a house or set up their own workshop. Friendships and love affairs are forged and unravelled as the seasons change, bankruptcies occur and family pressures mount.

Image : Maeda Yoshitaka, Shan Xiaohui, Song Yang, Liu Xianhui, Ding Bihan, Wang Bing
Son : Ranko Paukovic
Montage : Dominique Auvray, Xu Bingyuan, Liyo Gong
Production : House on Fire, Gladys Glover & CS Production
Distribution : Les Acacias