SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Les Barrières de la solitude
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Sacem Day Les Barrières de la solitude

Les Barrières de la solitude ( Pueblo en vilo )
Patricio Guzmán
1996 - France - Couleur - 51'

This is the fascinating and fabulous story of the construction of a country, Mexico, seen through a small village lost in the valleys in the middle of a huge land: San José de Gracia. This is the trajectory of a region shaken by events as incredible as they are violent, over which it has no control. This small village, tiny and naive, lives on its own scale the great epic of its nation: it is born, grows up, is happy, and undergoes the eternal changes that make up life and history.

Photography : Éric Pittard
Sound : André Rigaut
Editing : Catherine Mabilat
Music : Béatrice Thiriet
Production : Les Films d’Ici, Écoutez voir, France 2, RTBF, Canal 22