SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Les Noces de Palo
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Doc History: Denmark Les Noces de Palo

Les Noces de Palo ( Palos brudefærd )
Friedrich Dalsheim
1934 - Danemark - Noir & Blanc - 78'

This film was shot during the last expedition by Dr. Knud Rasmussen, famous Danish explorer of the Arctic. One summer in Greenland, two young hunters, Palo and Samo, are in love with the fair Navarana. We discover the daily life of the Native people in the straights of Angmagssalik, through portraits of collective scenes such as the salmon hunt, feasts which follow the hunt, construction of skin shelters, or more intimate moments (a healing ritual, children's games or women caring for their hair). This film won the Grand Prize at the International Venice Film Festival and was hailed by the international press, especially in the United States, on its release.

Author : Knud Rasmussen
Photography : Walter Traut, Hans Scheib
Sound : Poul Bang
Editing : Georg Stilly
Production : Film Palladium
Distribution : Les Films du Paradoxe (filmsparadoxe@wanadoo.fr, +33 (0)1 46 49 33 33)