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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Docmonde Les Scarifiés

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Les Scarifiés
Wabinlé Nabié
2022 - Burkina Faso, France - Couleur - 65'

My name is Wabinlé Nabié. I'm from Burkina Faso. What’s special about me is that I'm scarified, like all the members of my family, but one of the last since this tradition has now died out. These scars on my face are like a mark of identity of the ethnic group to which I belong, the Bwaba ethnic group, but I know nothing more and this ignorance constitutes me at the same time as it hinders me. Les Scarifiés is the story of a necessity, the need to return to the places of my childhood in order to understand the meaning of these marks on my skin, a quest that leads from the memory of pain to the appeasement of a restored identity.

Photography : Wabinlé Nabié, Jean de Boysson
Sound : Seydou Porgo
Editing : Aurélie Jourdan
Production : Artisans du Film, Yira Entertainment