SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Nuestra voz de tierra memoria y futuro
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Doc history : Colombia Nuestra voz de tierra memoria y futuro

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Nuestra voz de tierra memoria y futuro
Marta Rodríguez, Jorge Silva
1974-1981 - Colombie - Noir & Blanc - 110'

An experimental approach that reconciles two dissimilar approaches to storytelling – the documentary record and the staging of a myth. How do the subconscious and the dialectic of a culture interact within their reality? Filmed over a five-year period, it offers a first-hand look at the experiences of Andean Indigenous groups, ranging from submission to organization to the struggle for survival as cultures. These people have fought – and are still fighting today – for the recovery of their lands, a process they view as critical to their culture and history. What does it mean for them to “see the past politically, and think about the present historically”?

Photography : Jorge Silva
Sound : Ignacio Jiménez, Eduardo Burgos, Nohora Drufovka
Editing : Jorge Silva, Caita Villalón
Music : Jorge López, Grupo Yaki Kandru
Production : Fundación Cine Documental / Investigación social, ICAIC (Instituto de Arte e Industria Cinematográfica de Cuba)