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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Fragment of a filmmaker’s work: Luis Ospina Autorretrato (dormido)

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Luis Ospina
1971 - Colombie - Couleur - 3'

The years spent by Luis Ospina in Los Angeles to study cinema have been an immersion in the North American underground culture too. In this work he pays a tribute to the film Sleep (1963), making a meditation upon the real and the performative in the context of art, capitalism and mass culture. “We all know that Andy Warhol made a film lasting more than five hours of a man sleeping. After viewing it, I asked myself, ‘What would happen if I removed Warhol’s tedious passages?’ This is why I decided to film myself sleeping during ten hours with an automatic shutter that took a frame every ten seconds to make the only film directed by a sleeping man.” Luis Ospina

Photography : Luis Ospina
Editing : Luis Ospina
Production : Luis Ospina