SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - By the Throat
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Doc route: Belgium By the Throat

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By the Throat
Effi & Amir
2021 - Belgique - Couleur - 78'

Starting from a security check procedure at the entrance to the Tel Aviv airport, By the Throat takes us on the exploration of a more deeply engraved border, albeit an invisible one. A border that defines the sounds we can emit and the words we can pronounce. We carry with us these sonic and anatomical limits, created by our mother-tongue, becoming ourselves a mobile check-point, wherever we are.

Photography : Effi & Amir
Sound : Gedeon de Pauw, Kwinten Van Laethem, Farhad Katrahmani, Lancelot Hervé-Mignucci, Joel Cahen, Ilona Stutz, Guido Righi
Editing : Simon Arazi, Effi & Amir
Music : Thomas Myrmel
Production : La chose à trois jambes