Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Doc History: Hungary, at the Béla Balázs Studio Élégie

Élégie ( Elégia )
Zoltán Huszárik
1965 - Hongrie - Couleur - 19'

A film on horses and men, a requiem for a henceforth lost connection between man and nature. Huszárik “speaks” to us about freedom, friendship, impermanence, destruction: he develops a new language, poetic and experimental. Elégia is an extremely saturated, concentrated piece of cinema: the images are shot in a realistic way, but then manipulated with a great variety of optical techniques; the editing is subordinated to the themes and rhythm, the themes are organised in movements and are formally separated from each other, while serial repetitions of distant images create unexpected connections. (Federico Rossin)

Photography : János Tóth
Sound : Ferenc Csonka
Editing : Mihály Morell
Music : Zsolt Durkó
Production : Balász Béla Stúdió