Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Viewing experiences Otro sol

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Otro sol
Francisco Rodríguez Teare
2023 - Chili, France, Belgique - Couleur - 86'

Otro sol is a group of real and invented characters trapped in a film. It is also a purgatory of retired thieves set on the coast of the Atacama Desert. The film is circular and seeks to invent as well as verify the myth of Alberto Cándia, a Chilean international thief who robbed the Cathedral of Cadiz in Andalusia in the late eighties. Through interviews with his family, his past accomplices and invented characters, testimonies and documents gradually rewrite reality and conjure up fiction.

Image : Mathieu Gaudet, Andrés Jordán
Son : Lancelot Hervé-Mignucci, André Millán
Montage : Laura Rius Aran, Léa Chatauret
Production : Aracuaria Cine, Don Quichotte Films, Michigan Films