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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Doc history : Colombia Agarrando pueblo

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Agarrando pueblo
Luis Ospina, Carlos Mayolo
1977 - Colombie - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 29'

Agarrando pueblo is a protest against national and international documentary models, which at the time – and even today – shamelessly exploited all kinds of third-world suffering (referred to by the directors as “poverty-porn”) and exported it to European television stations and festivals. Counter-informative from beginning to end and in every sense of the word, the film mixes staged and real scenes of a typical film crew commissioned by a German television channel to seek out archetypical social horrors, trampling over the basic principles of professional ethics, the meaning of information and, naturally, sociological research.” Isleni Cruz Carvajal

Photography : Fernando Vélez, Enrique Forero, Oswaldo López, Eduardo Carvajal, Jacques Marchal
Sound : Luis Ospina
Editing : Luis Ospina
Production : SATUPLE (Sindicato de Artistas y Trabajadores Unidos Para la Liberación Eterna)