SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Lluvia colombiana
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2023 Rediffusions Lluvia colombiana

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Lluvia colombiana
Lisandro Duque Naranjo, Herminio Barrera
1976 - Colombie - Couleur - 16'

Portrait of the process of a local film production, emphasizing the machinery (the camera, the sound, the editing, the photochemical lab and finally the projection), but without neglecting the implications of its language. This inventive short film is a metafictional and comical exercise, in which the directors themselves appear as protagonists, commenting on and directing the work. In this pseudo-pedagogical sketch of cinema within cinema we see an illustration of the peculiarities and difficulties of a barely emerging industry, and we are made aware of the manipulation of the plot and the results that are obtained through the cinema apparatus itself. F.R.

Photography : Herminio Barrera
Sound : Eduardo Castro
Editing : Lisandro Duque Naranjo, Herminio Barrera
Production : Acemar